2015-12-29 11:33:09
قرّرت أم بريطانيّة ان تعمل كممثّلة أفلام اباحيّة كي تجني المال الكافي لشراء الهدايا لابنها الوحيد. وفي العام الماضي لم يحصل ابن ميغان كلارا (20) على ألعاب باهظة الثّمن كتلك التّي حصل عليها أصدقائه فعاد حزيناً الى منزله. وحينها صمّمت ميغان على ايجاد وظيفة تؤمّن لها ولعائلتها حياة التّرف. وشاركت في العام 2015 في عدد كبير من الأفلام الاباحيّة. وهي تعتبر ان كلّ من يوجّه لها الانتقادات هو شخص مصاب بالغيرة.   ميغان-كلارا-1 PIC BY JAMES NEWALL/ CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Megan with Ashton, 7, with all of the christmas presents) - A mum who was determined to give her son the best Christmas ever has paid for his pile of presents - by starring in a series of PORN flicks. Pretty Megan Clara, 20, was gutted last year when her son Ashton, five, complained that he didnt receive the same expensive presents as his mates. The single mum, who survived on 80 a week, had only managed to afford to buy him an Etch A Sketch, cuddly toys and new clothes. But after seeing his disappointed face, she vowed to make Christmas 2015 one to remember - and has spent the year making adult films, earning 500 a scene, to give her family a five-star festive celebration. SEE CATERS COPY. ميغان-كلارا-3 porn1