2015-09-30 07:41:30

as "a big gap" that have serious repercussions on the economy in the country.

Abdul-Mahdi wrote on the social networking pages that "We have reached an agreement with Kurdistan that has became a part of the budget bill, the region received 17% of the actual expenses after deducting sovereign and governing expenses."".

He explained that "the region delivers" SOMO "550 000 barrels / day in Ceyhan 300 000 barrels / day from Kirkuk, and the rest from the region unfortunately things went limping."

"It was a daily average recipient of 230 000 barrels / day on (1/1 / 2015-10 / 9/2015), in turn the region did not receive but a rate equivalent to what it has given of oil according to the agreement and the law of the budget. So Erbil complained from the weak payments, Baghdad complained from low received oil quantities, and everyone complained about the collapse in oil prices, which were lower than the budget estimates (56 dollars / barrel). "

Abdul-Mahdi pointed out that "the reluctance of the agreement with the region is a big gap that have serious repercussions , we had hoped to boost the agreement by mutual trust atmosphere, and move seriously to resolve the outstanding problems, especially exports and management of the Kirkuk oilfields and the settlement of the required dues, both parties are not gaining anything from repeating the previous negative atmosphere, The two parties have an interest in the agreement in order to achieve mutual benefits for all. "

Erbil and Baghdad have agreed last year to be the first to export an average of 550 000 barrels of oil through the Turkish Kurdish pipeline for the Iraqi national oil marketing company SOMO by 300 000 barrels from Kirkuk oil fields and the rest from Kurdistan fields in return for Baghdad to send the region's share from the Iraqi public budget amounting to 17 percent of the total, but the two sides often accuse each other of failing to commit to the terms of the agreement, which was incorporated into the general Iraqi budget law for the current year.