2020-03-19 07:34:37

Shafaq News / Roger Dow, President and CEO of the American Travel Association affirmed that the United States, like the rest of the world, has suffered heavy economic losses since the outbreak of Corona virus.

Dow said in statements to CNN that the American economy has incurred losses amounting to 800 billion dollars so far, including 355 billion dollars in the auto industry alone.

Dow pointed out that Corona crisis will increase the unemployment problem in America, as about 4.6 million workers in the travel industry will lose their jobs.

United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz, in turn, said the current economic crisis is worse than the economic crisis caused by the events of September 11th.

"Please act quickly to protect our livelihoods," Munoz said in his message to Congress and the Treasury on behalf of about 100,000 employees of United Airlines. "The financial impact of this crisis on our industry is much worse than the severe downturn we experienced in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks."

The American Stock Exchange suffered heavy losses during the past days after the outbreak of the virus in the 50 US states. The Wall Street market collapsed, and its index recorded its worst session since the financial meltdown in 1987, losing 10% of its value.

100 billion dollars

For his part, U.S. President Donald Trump announced the allocation of $ 100 billion to conduct free tests to check Corona virus and grant paid sick leave to people living with the virus.

The White House also announced that it is negotiating with the Senate to approve an additional 500 billion dollars to contain the economic damage to Corona virus, and will be allocated to pay checks for all adult Americans who receive less than a million annual incomes by the sixth of next April.

It is noteworthy that the cases of Corona infection in the United States reached 7000 cases, as the number of deaths cases reached about 100 cases.