2014-08-26 06:22:55

and end the crisis that has been going on for nearly a month.

 The United tanker carrying Kurdish oil worth about 100 million dollars moored near the Texas weeks ago as Kurdistan region in northern Iraq is fighting, a legal battle over the ownership of the oil with the Iraqi federal government .

The Iraqi government has succeeded in persuading the American judicial authorities, earlier and issued a memorandum to confiscate the oil shipment.

Judge Nancy Johnson, ordered to seize the shipment until solving the conflict between Iraq and Kurdistan governments to act on the oil resources in the areas controlled by the Government of Erbil.

The Iraqi government said in its lawsuit filed that the shipment was sold without its permission, and demanded the American authorities to confiscate and seize it.

Prior , the Iraqi government had asked Kurdistan Regional Government to stop exporting oil through Turkey, knowing that the seized shipment in Texas coast has been shipped from Turkey on 23 of last June and changed its course many times before it reaches the American coast.