2020-05-06 10:08:49

Shafaq News / Member of Parliament, Alia Nassif warned on Wednesday of the monopoly of an "armed Kurdish organization" (unnamed) for wheat and barley in Sinjar district of Nineveh Governorate.

Nassif called in a statement received by Shafaq News, the Prime Minister and Minister of Trade to "take measures to expand the marketing of wheat and barley in Sinjar district and prevent the entry of merchants belonging to an armed Kurdish organization to buy grain and enhance its influence on farmers."

"Appeals from the farmers of Sinjar district to expand the air force square of the company (Mesopotamia State Company For Seeds) in which wheat and barley crops are sold, especially as all districts and sub-districts have expanded their squares with the exception of Sinjar," noting that "delaying the expansion will give an opportunity for a Kurdish Armed organization to buy crops and increase its control over farmers. "

"The peasants confirmed that the silo of Sinjar is in good condition and there is a complete , equipped fully and it does not need anything other than a balance device to be ready to receive wheat, therefore we hope that the Director General of Silos in Mosul would use this silo because the security situation is unfortunately worse than last year, it was difficult for the people of Sinjar to go to Al-Baaj, Tal Afar, Rabia and Abu Khashab village,” Nassif added.