2013-08-16 12:03:39


Article 140 committee distributed last May amount of 170 billion dinars over eight offices in Iraq, five of them in the southern provinces.

"The parliament voted in the general budget to give extra 150 billion dinars to Article 140 committee from the financial abundance achieved for the purpose of carrying out its work, "adding that his committee demands the competent authorities to provide the amount of the governmental Committee,” The Chairman of the Committee, Mohsen al-Sadoun told “Shafaq News”.

"We are sure that the sale of oil will provide financial abundance, so we demand to add the abundance amounts accruing to the financial allocations of the governmental Committee according to the draft of the federal budget for 2013,” Sadoun added.

The Iraqi Constitution, ratified in 2005 of Article 140, which stipulates the normalization of the situation in the disputed areas in other provinces, such as Nineveh and Diyala, as set a time limit that ended on the 31st of December of 2007 to implement all of the procedures included in the mentioned article of, as it gave the people of these areas the freedom of self-determination to stay as independent administrative unit or join Kurdistan Region through organizing a referendum.