2013-12-23 10:11:21

Yildiz said in a statement to reporters reported by Reuters , briefed by “Shafaq News" that “ oil began flowing on a trial basis and then it will ( operational ) pumping will start for the line .

He added that the start of the operation from the line will be discussed next week .

Kurdistan and Turkey have reached recently to agreements for the export of Kurdish oil to world markets via the new pipeline that passes through Turkish territory , down to the port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean.

Kurdistan plans to start exporting oil early next year , but this step needs to understandings with Baghdad , which opposes moving in this path individually .

It is scheduled for the president of Kurdistan Regional Government , Nechirvan Barzani to visit Baghdad on Wednesday for talks on Kurdish oil exports , hoping to reach an understanding .

Baghdad strongly rejects the export of oil from Kurdistan fields without reference to it. Baghdad says that it has the only right in the management of oil wealth in the country, especially the conclusion of contracts and agreements for export.

But Kurdistan confirms that the country's constitution allows them to move forward in the export of its oil.

Turkish Energy Minister discussed with officials in Baghdad and Erbil from the two sides in the energy file and export of oil in an effort to mediate between the two sides .