2014-01-09 09:37:19


“The company began exporting crude oil from Sheikhan field in Iraqi Kurdistan ," indicating that “ it had sold a shipment of between 30 and 33 thousand tons of crude oil since last December and was transferred to Turkey by trucks,” The company said in a statement , briefed by " Shafaq News “.

The Ministry of natural resources and wealth in Kurdistan region said earlier that Gulf Keystone Petroleum will produce 40 thousand barrels of oil a day after the ministry acknowledged the company's plan to develop Shikhan field which has been discovered as one of the most important assets of Keystone in 2009 , the company aims to produce 150 thousand barrels a day of it in the next three years and 250 thousand barrels per day at the beginning of 2018.

Specialists note that thos field production will enable the region to export one million barrels per day by the end of 2015 and two million barrels a day by the end of this decade ; Gulf Keystone manages Shikhan field .

The federal government in Baghdad describes contracts concluded by Kurdistan Region as illegal and declined earlier from exchanging companies’ dues operating there , while the region say that it has the right to give contracts to foreign companies which is guaranteed by the constitution .