2013-11-27 08:21:48


“ The vice president sentenced to death , Tareq al-Hashemi has released statements through media by Chairman of European Relations Committee with Iraq in the European Union , Strauss Stephens about smuggling 800 million dollars a week from Iraq to Swiss banks ,” CBI said in a statement received by “Shafaq News “.

“CBI denies these statements completely," describing them as “baseless “.

The statement added that the Bank's monetary policy is “clear, explicit and far from such operations.”

CBI held daily sessions of auction currency except Fridays and holidays with the participation of a group of Iraqi banks in which sale and purchase of foreign currency take place and CBI convert currencies abroad for some companies and citizens for a certain commission.

CBI has a group of specialized committees to combat money laundering, , crime money and financing terrorism , as the anti- money laundering Iraq in 2004 has developed procedures on institutions , particularly banks.