2020-04-14 12:46:44

Shafaq News / The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) directed on Tuesday, all banks to meet customer requests throughout the week, after the crisis cell decision to except all banks from the curfew decision.

It stated in a document issued by the bank and directed to approved banks obtained by Shafaq News, that "based on what was included in the decisions of the crisis cell formed according to office Order No. (55) for   2020 in paragraph (1) of the Ministry of Health letter / Minister's office numbered (422) On 3/24/2020, which excluded all bank employees from the decision of ban roaming in order to maintain the permanence and smoothness of work as follows:

Direct your banks to meet the demands of customers all days of the week, taking into account the preventive measures issued by the official authorities to limit the spread of the epidemic (Corona)..