2014-11-10 11:02:05

mobile phone for Internet speed in the country within two months.

The contract was signed during a ceremony in the commission , attended by representatives from the communications companies "Atheer, Asiacell and Korek Telecom" in al- Rashid Hotel in Baghdad attended by Prime Minister , Haider al-Abadi.

The media and communications commission announced last Thursday an agreement with telecom companies operating in Iraq on contract to launch the service in exchange for $ 307 million in which companies have paid $ 73 million in advance.

The companies will pay the rest of the amount in four installments over the next 18 months, while there will be a test period for two months before   commercial launching of the 3G services.

Iraq is one of the few countries in the Middle East that still dependent on the second-generation networks that do not allow bit for only voice calls, SMS and internet services while the cost of high basic Internet fixed lines cannot be relied on.

The three mobile operators in Iraq are waiting since the past several years to launch the third-generation services. These companies are Zain Iraq of Kuwait's Zain and Asiacell the belongs to Qatar and Korek belongs to Orange.