2013-11-24 06:22:05


Bai Hassan oil field is one of the largest oil fields in Kirkuk , located to the west of Kirkuk field in parallel form in direction and includes 120 wells , as production capacity reaches up to 195 000 barrels per day .

“The leak occurred in the decaying sector of the pipeline that transports oil from Bai Hassan, which produces about 150 thousand barrels per day to the main treatment facility," adding that " We are changing the damaged sector in the pipeline and we expect to resume production of Bai Hassan within 48 hours ,” Officials at the North Oil Company said in a press statement briefed by “Shafaq News “.

“Stop of production did not affect oil exports via Kirkuk - Ceyhan pipelines,” they added.

Iraq ship most of its oil exports from its ports in the South while pump nearly a quarter of its exports , or slightly less than 400 thousand barrels per day through Kirkuk pipeline to Ceyhan in Turkey .

Exporting crude to Turkey through Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline has repeatedly stopped this year because of attacks by insurgents.