2015-10-10 08:45:11

in Baghdad by FAO engineering company one of the formations ministry at a cost of 33 billion dinars.

The minister said that the civil works for the new boiler implementation was at a cost of two billion dinars and rehabilitation of Cooling Towers number (3) at a cost of 3 billion dinars, as well as the external piping for the hydrogen unit at a cost of two billion dinars project and civil works in the gas generated at a cost of one billion dinars and purification of hydrogen at a cost of billion dinars and gas pipeline network project at a cost of 750 million dinars.

It is worth mentioning that the ministry continues to work in the implementation of (3) projects in Doura refinery in favor of Midland Refineries Company, which is a project to implement civil works for cooling towers and two-storey project and a project to extend the cooling water pipeline network.