2015-11-09 06:10:52

notably investment, infrastructure, and construction of residential complexes.

The head of Dhi Qar province Council , Hamid Naeem Gizi said in a statement today, that "After series of meetings with a group of Korean companies , today we signed a memorandum of understanding between the local government in the province and the Investment Authority on one hand and Korean companies on the other hand to implement investment projects in housing and industry areas , roads, bridges and infrastructure. "

"Signing the memorandum is a start to sign contracts and licenses," pointing at the same time that "these companies are well known and have a long experience in the reconstruction areas and has agreements with the central government, we hope as a local government after the economic crisis to resort to alternatives, including activating the investment side and asylum to efficient and solid foreign companies in the reconstruction field as Korean companies have good knowledge in that. "

Al-Gizi expressed the hope of Korean companies to transfer its experience and expertise in order to maintain investment and infrastructure development.

The head of the council confirmed that "the Korean companies consider Dhi Qar as the best provinces in terms of security, political and social harmony and enjoy the population density, the area is attractive to investors, especially after the transfer of powers to the provinces and amend the investment law, which brings money and foreign companies capital and gives better guarantee than the previous law ".

It is noteworthy that the Chairman of Dhi Qar council , Hamid al-Gizi has ordered last week to issue a formal invitation to Korean companies to visit the province after a meeting with a number of those companies in the capital Baghdad to discuss investment opportunities and the implementation of infrastructure and residential projects.