2020-07-20 22:06:47

Shafaq News / The Parliamentary Investigative committee revealed today, Monday, a parliamentary proposal to dissolve the Ministry of Electricity and distribute it as a directorate to the provinces, considering it a "perfect" solution to contain the chronic crisis in the country.

Committee member Hussein Al-Oqabi told Shafaq News agency, "the parliamentary investigative committee focused at its previous meeting on taking quick measures and alleviating the suffering of citizens by revealing the real amounts spent on electrical energy under previous governments."

He added, "Several parliamentary proposals were forwarded in the meeting, including the dissolution of the Ministry of Electricity and distributing to the governorates as a general directorate to alleviate the suffering of citizens and solve the energy crisis. This can only be through the distribution of electrical stations to the governorates."

On Sunday, the three presidencies affirmed their full support for the efforts of the investigative committee in the electricity sector, which will reveal to the causes of the deterioration and hold the responsible parties' accountability.

Iraq suffers from the lack of electric power, especially in summer, as demand increases due to high temperatures which could reach 50 degrees sometimes.

According to the Ministry of Electricity, Iraq's production of electrical energy is 13,500 megawatts, but estimates indicate that the country needs at least 20 thousand megawatts to reach self-sufficiency.