2013-08-16 11:52:40


"The competent authorities in Diyala province, began the preparations of special projects within 2014budget as we hope from officials to give the province its actual share of the financial allocations as in Wasit, Kirkuk and Salahuddin ,” the spokesman for the provincial council , Turath al-Azzawi told “Shafaq News”.

“The province and over the past budgets , did not take its right according to its population, so we hope to give the next budget an amount of 700-800 billion dinars for the purpose of implementing the projects and especially the strategic ones,” Azzawi said.

The former provincial Council of Diyala approved its budget for 2013 that worth more than 400 billion dinars, which is the biggest budget after 2003.

Diyala province (57 km north east Baghdad) suffers like many of the other provinces from the old service projects as it became unable to meet the increasing size of the population.

The government says that the projects that must be implemented in all provinces require large sums of money in which annual budgets couldn’t cover it unless there is a tendency to approve infrastructure law.