2013-11-26 12:18:54


Basra Light crude forms the bulk of Iraq's oil exports as it is exported from Basra port, which overlooks the Gulf.

“A primary program of loading on Tuesday showed that exports of Light crude from Basra will fall next December," indicating that "the decline will be 2.14 million barrels per day of 2.36 million barrels per day in current November,” The sources said in remarks highlighted by "Reuters " news agency , briefed by " Shafaq News “.

“It is also expected to decline in crude exports from Kirkuk port that export to Ceyhan port on the Mediterranean,” the source added.

A navigation source said in early November that bad weather led to the reduction of oil exports from Basra ports in southern Iraq, noting that exports fell to 1.24 million barrels per day from 1.89 million barrels per day.