2014-11-23 07:50:26

of the current government headed by ,Haider al-Abadi.

Fahdawi said in a statement issued by the ministry stated for "Shafaq News", that "The power crisis will end within the constitutional period of al-Abadi’s Government."

He explained that "the system will witness a marked improvement in the coming months, as this improvement will also continue to the summer of 2015, adding " there is no end for the crisis for the fact that the national electricity system need new generating capacities that will be added to the ministry, which is currently implementing projects, along with other investment projects ".

"The Ministry of Electricity is still facing the challenges of terrorism that is targeting the power lines and infrastructure projects for the Ministry of obstetric and manufacturing and secondary transfer stations, as well as excessive consumption of electric power by the citizens and irregularities in the distribution systems."

Iraqis still complain of frequent shortage of electric power despite the fact that the Ministry of Electricity pledged to provide electricity service throughout the day by the current year.

Governments that followed 2003 were unable to end the power crisis and was not able to improve the reality despite paying dozens of billions of dollars on this area.