2013-08-28 07:32:32

“The first contract was signed with a local company which is al-Nahi Company for General Trading Co., Ltd. to invest in a commercial area of 9000 square meters in free zone of Khor al- Zubair in Basra province,” The authority said in a statement received by “Shafaq News”.

“The second contract was concluded with (ALE Middle East) UAE Company in a project area of 10,000 square meters to invest in general trade in Khor Al-Zubair as well,” the statement added.

It is noteworthy that the free zones experienced recently an increase in business interest of Major Arab, international and local companies to invest in the free zones to benefit from the privileges , incentives and investment opportunities offered by these areas.

Iraq has three main free zones are located in each of Khor Al-Zubair in Basra, Fulayfel in Nineveh province and Qaem in Anbar province.