2014-05-20 11:39:35
for investment in the free zone in Khor Al-Zubair in Basra province .

The authority said in a statement reported for " Shafaq News " that “ The first contract has been signed with the oil derivatives company with a land area of ​​20 000 square meters”.

It added that the contract included the establishment of the second service project with an area of ​​1600 square meters to provide special oil services and logistics as well as providing maintenance services for oil projects .

The authority said that the last two contracts has been signed with the company for the exercise of commercial activity , indicating that the area of one of them amounted to 30 000 square meters.

Free Zones have witnessed active investment movement in recent period as a result of local, Arab and foreign investment in them.

Iraq includes three free zones in Khor Al-Zubair in Basra , Fulayfel in Nineveh province and the other based in Anbar province .

Iraq is looking forward to the creation of more free zones, benefiting from the experience of neighboring countries, in response to requests made ​​by the Iraqi provinces , including Diyala and Najaf.

Free Zones in Iraq are based on Law No. 3 of 1998 , which was activated in 1999 , but the outbreak of 2003 war had destructed what had been built.