2014-08-04 09:46:05

, but will continue to avoid the airspace over the area controlled by ISIS.

Lufthansa , the largest airline in Europe in terms of revenue said in an emailed statement reported by Reuters , seen by "Shafaq News" that " trips to Asia and other regions of the Middle East will continue to avoid flying over Iraq".

The company added that these changes in the flight route will be applied on Lufthansa and Lufthansa to ship goods as well as Austrian and Swiss Airlines.

The Company said that the methods of the new airline will reduce flying time dramatically.
The decision by Lufthansa comes one day after the announcement of the Royal Jordanian Airlines of suspending its flights to Baghdad for a period of at least 24 hours for security reasons

The main airline had decided last week to stop its flights to certain areas of conflict in step came after the fall of a Malaysian passenger plane over an area that witnessed fighting east of Ukraine on June 17, killing 298 people on board.