2014-12-22 09:09:35

barrels per day during the first quarter of next year, 2015, pointing out that Kurdistan will be a main partner in the Iraqi Budget by the end of next year.

Hawrami said in a speech at the Fourth Conference of the oil and gas in Kurdistan Region, held in London, followed up by "Shafaq News", that “ he thinks that their counterparts in the federal government in Baghdad would withdraw their file suits against oil buyer from Kurdistan in the next short-term “.

Hawrami added that the export of the region’s oil independently from Baghdad is not solved yet, but he also said that he was optimistic for the first time on the progress of negotiations with the federal government.

Erbil and Baghdad have agreed last month to let Kurdistan region export 250 000 barrels of oil and 300 thousand oil barrels from Kirkuk province starting from early next year through the expense of the Iraqi National Oil Marketing Company "SOMO" in return for Baghdad to send the region's share of the budget which is 17 % and financing Peshmarga forces as a part of the Iraqi defense system.