2015-12-31 11:17:49

that the growth of the world economy would be "disappointing" next year.

It has found that the likelihood of higher interest rates in the United States and economic slowdown in China in the case of factors that contribute to uncertainty and increase the risk of a weak economy around the world.

Lagarde said that "In addition to that, the growth of world trade has slowed down a lot and create falling prices of crude materials problems for the economies that depend on it primarily ", while the financial sector still suffers from weaknesses in many countries and financial risk is increasing in emerging markets.

She said, "All of this means that global growth will be disappointing and uneven in 2016," noting that "the weakness of production, aging of societies, and the effects of the global financial crisis are all factors that inhibit growth."

Lagarde said that "the beginning of the return of US monetary policy to normal and China's shift towards consumption-led growth and alter the essential health centers, but there is a need to make them as accurately as possible , efficiency and smoothness."

She pointed to "the existence of possible side effects added to the likelihood of higher interest rates that has already contributed to the increased cost of funding to some borrowers, including emerging markets."

Lagarde warned that "raising the US interest rates and the strength of the dollar may lead to a faltering companies and its failure to pay has infected countries and banks."