2013-05-25 09:10:58

The source said in a statement by Reuters briefed by “Shafaq News” that “HPCL will buy 15 thousand bpd of Iraqi crude with an option to buy 25 thousand bpd.

He said that the deal was signed in the first week of May, but declined to disclose pricing details.

HPCL also seeks to buy 60 thousand bpd of Iraqi oil marketing governmental company (SOMO), compared with 40 thousand bpd last year after the Indian company sought to reduce its purchases from Saudi Arabia and delayed its imports from Iran because of insurance problems caused by Western sanctions imposed on Tehran.

Iraq said that it achieved an increase in crude oil exports in April relative to the previous month, as exports amounted 78 million and 700 thousand barrels of revenues amounted to 7 billion and 764 million$.