2014-05-10 06:41:08
to distribute loans to citizens for the establishment of industrial and commercial projects .

“A plan established by the bank credit showed that 18 billion dinars of it has been disbursed till now,” The general director of the bank , Mohamed Abdel Wahab said in a statement for " Shafaq News “.

He noted that some of the loans that were granted to citizens are small loans and amounts identified by the value of 15 million dinars , in addition to industrial projects registered in the Iraqi Federation of Industries and industrial development.

He explained that there is a development occurred in the national industry through government support for industrial projects by giving industrial loans to citizen .

The Industrial Bank of the Ministry of Finance had called , last Saturday, residents wishing to obtain a loan of 15 million dinars to come to its branches in Baghdad and the provinces .

It is worth mentioning that a large proportion of Iraqis need to activate the loans granted to them and facilitate the procedures of paying and reduced benefits because of their need for a wide range of services that they have lacked for decades .