2015-04-11 11:45:37

through Mehran international border crossing into Iraq during last year (finished on 20th of March).

Khalil al-Haidari said in a statement carried by the official IRNA agency Anbar that the value of these quantities of goods amounted to two million and 702 000 tons to a record by 4 percent more than what was on a similar period last year.

He explained that the value of exported goods has increased by 42 percent recorded compared to the same period last year.

Al-Haidari pointed out that the most important goods exported to Iraq are construction materials , crops , agricultural products , plastic and metallic products.

Elam Province which shares 430 kilometers of common border with Iraq and the presence of Mehran international border crossing, is considered one of the most secure important areas between the two countries for exports and imports of goods and visitors between Iran and Iraq.