2013-11-08 11:46:47

 “The General Company for Iraqi railway had signed a primary contract with "Wagon pars" Iranian company last September for the rehabilitation of 800 train trucks as a first phase at a cost of 40 million $ to be followed by a second phase in the same the number and cost ,” the source told “Shafaq News”.
The source added that the Iranian company asked the General Company for Iraqi railway to pay 10 % of the contract value , while the authority of the company is to give 5 % only, indicating that the demand was raised to the Minister of Transport as it falls within his competence.
The memorandum of understanding included forcing the Iranian company to process the Iraqi Railways Company with spare parts and other equipment to create a truck repair site in Muthanna province at a cost of 5 million $.
The Iraqi official expected to sign the final signature of the contract by the Iraqi Transport Minister , Hadi al-Ameri to enter into force.
Iraq delayed at mid-December of 2012 to sign the mentioned contract due to the introduction of some new items in the text of the contract.