2014-10-20 07:58:14

includes signing a free trade agreement and preferential tariffs and standards.

Qhasemi said, before the emergence of the latest developments of ISIS issue in Iraq, 70 percent of Iranian exports are being supplied through Kurdistan region due to the non-imposition of visa procedures , tariffs and

Qhasemi noted that the size of Iranian exports to Iraq amounted to 13 billion dollars last year, it is possible to reach 25 billion dollars, if they removed the export obstacles, noting that the issue of ISIS terrorists, led to some instability of the Iraqi market, but Kurdistan and south of Iraq are considered as secured for Iranian goods.

The former Minister of Oil , Rostum Qhasemi said that some believe that the security crisis sparked by ISIS has led to a sharp decline in exports of Iran, noting that he and despite the drop in Iraqi exports to 40 percent overall, but that the share of Iran's exports decline amounted to 6 percent,   specifically the sector of construction materials, where they were compensated through food and medicine.

The chief of the Iranian- Iraqi economic development board , Rostum Qhasemi noted that Iran annually receives 1.7 million Iraqi tourists and expected to double to 3 million people with lifting of visa procedures that consequent huge returns from foreign exchange.