2013-08-24 08:05:55

, while Iran's ambassador to Iraq expressed his surprise from apologizing, he stressed his government's approval on the increase.

Minister of Electricity, Karim Aftan al-Jumaili said in a statement briefed by "Shafaq News", during a meeting with Iranian Ambassador, Hassan Dnaii Fer that "the relationship between the two peoples of Iraq and Iran is a special relationship”.

“It had already been agreed during the recent visit of former Iranian President , Ahmadinejad to Iraq in the presence of ministers concerned with energy in the two countries, as well as the foreign ministers on increasing the amount of imported electricity from Iran, specifically through (Abadan -Basra) line by 150) MW, (Diyala -Kermanshah) by (80) MW,” Aftan said.

“The Technical Committee which represents our ministry, which visited Iran last week was surprised at its meeting with the Iranian side from their apology to increase, the electric power in Iraqand that the Prime Minister has authorized me to inquire about this matter,” he added.

For his part, the Iranian ambassador expressed his and the higher authorities’ in Iran surprise for the response of the Iranian Technical Committee.

The ambassador said that “approving the increase has been made by the President of the Republic and energy ministers," stressing that "this increase will be given to the Iraqi national electricity system as soon as possible “.

Iraq has suffered a shortage of electricity since the beginning of 1990, and increased electricity rationing hours after 2003 in Baghdad and the provinces, because of the outdated stations in addition to sabotage of station over the past years.