2013-10-10 06:32:03

on establishing giant factories at the global level.

The deputy of the ministry , Maki Ajeeb said in a statement reported for “Shafaq News” , at the signing ceremony that “ in order to develop joint work and protect the capital used by the two parties , the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and trade in the two countries will cooperate on the qualitative development of products and marketing it, to give priority to products manufactured by this note and include these products with all laws and regulations that protect local products and provide other legal and technical facilities for the joint development of industries the between the two countries “.

“Signing the memorandum of understanding was based on the discussions that took place between Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki and first assistant of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Rahimi and the ministers of industry of the two countries,” he added.

For his part, Iranian Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade , Hamid Safdel said that “This memorandum represents a positive step to our ministers in order to take advantage of the existing expertise and transfer modern technology and see the reality of the industry where and potential technical and manufacturing in various industrial fields “.