2014-07-24 10:25:59


Maintenance and expansions in the oil port of Basra caused a slowdown in shipments to near average in May at 2.58 million barrels per day, the highest level of its kind since 2003.

The ministry said in a statement reported for "Shafaq News" that “Iraq has exported 72.8 million barrels in June, according to official statistics issued by the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company "SOMO".

It added that revenue amounted to 7.37 billion dollars.

The Ministry noted that the exported quantity pumped from the ports of Basra stopped only because of the oil pipeline carrier from Kirkuk to Turkish port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean Sea stopped working since last March.

The Ministry of Oil said that the average selling price in June was (102.610) dollars per barrel.

It showed that the uploaded quantities by the international oil companies that carry different nationalities is (25) oil companies from the ports of Basra and Khor al-Amaya on the Arabian Gulf.

Reuters reported yesterday that Iraqi oil exports from the southern ports rose to 2.52 in July to near record level where not affected by the conflict in other parts of the country, as shown by the data load and oil industry sources.

Despite that, it did not reach to the level of exports, which was targeted by Iraqi officials for July at 2.6 million barrels per day.

The Iraqi oil supplies fell by the wars and sanctions that has lasted for decades. As Iraq’s oil production from the south has expanded since Western companies signed a series of service contracts with Baghdad in 2010.

The total exports from Iraq's northern and southern ports reached 2.8 million barrels per day in February. But exports of Kirkuk crude from the North have been stalled since the second of March because of attacks on the pipeline to Turkey, which made the total exports lower that its potential levels.

Kurdish forces took control of the installations in Kirkuk and in the oil field in the North in 11th of last July as Kurdistan region began pumping through pipelines that extend from its territory.