2014-11-27 11:13:33

, including the production of Kurdistan Region.

The minister said in a statement to Reuters seen by "Shafaq News" that exports will reach an average of 3.2 million barrels per day.

This will be a tremendous progress in the oil industry since Iraq began in 2009, the conclusion of contracts to develop the discovered fields and exploration for other after long years of stagnation due to the blockade.

Iraq’s exports is currently about 2.5 million barrels per day pumped through the entirety ports of Basra in the south, after stop pumping oil from Kirkuk oilfields to the Turkish port of Ceyhan since last March because of repeated attacks on the pipeline.

After the federal governments and Kurdistan Region reached a preliminary agreement on the management of oil wealth days ago , the resumption of oil exports to Turkey will begin but through a special pipeline of Kurdistan, this time due to the occurrence of part of the old-line system in areas controlled by ISIS.

The initial agreement between the two sides ensure pumping about 150 thousand barrels per day of oil Kurdistan Region in favor of the federal government in return for guarantees of Baghdad, regardless of public employees' salaries in the region.

A few days ago , it was resumed to pump 150 thousand barrels per day of Kirkuk oil to Turkey in favor of the federal government over the Kurdish pipeline.

Kurdistan produces about 300 thousand barrels of oil per day and expects the arrival of production to 400 thousand barrels per day by the end of this year after it began to export oil through the new line this year, despite opposition from Baghdad.