2013-10-30 10:29:28


The report , briefed by "Shafaq News", showed “that those resources worth about 15.9 trillion of oil , gas and phosphate , as the value of natural resources has been calculated on the basis of ten most valuable natural resources, namely oil , gas, coal , forestry , timber , gold, silver , copper , uranium , iron ore and phosphate.

Experts of natural resources confirmed that the Iraqi environment is of the rich environments teeming with riches, but the bet remains on how to invest this wealth in some cases.

The environmental expert, Hadi Nasser said that "The global report omitted a lot of other forms of wealth in Iraq, such as red mercury in southern Iraq, which is a rare and unique material at the same time.”

Russia came in the first rank in the evaluation of the natural resources’ value estimated at 75.7 trillion dollars thanks to multiple resources, especially oil and gas, forestry , while the United States came in second place with 45.55 trillion.