2014-12-17 10:22:27

for economic purposes under a plan aimed at providing information to the ministries (agricultural, water resources and environment).

Yusuf told “Shafaq News" that "the step adopted by the ministry to the launch the satellite include two tracks, the first preparation of human capacity that will work on the satellite, the second track is to move the implementation of measures that precede overture manufacturer countries of satellite operation."

The minister pointed out that "Satellite II will be more responsive to economic requirements, and will be able to answer all questions and agricultural ministries of environment and water resources, we will aim from the satellite to identify desertified areas, control air pollution and conduct ongoing surveys on agricultural lands, these measures cannot be carried out through the human potential, it needs industrial technology as a satellite to accomplish it”.

The minister explained that, "we will ask the relevant ministries to provide us with the required information obtained from the satellite, and we will work to include those demands specifications of the satellite before talking to the industrialized countries of satellites," adding that "the cost of the satellite will be determined after ministries provide us with databases that will be provided by the satellite ".