2015-10-06 08:06:29

after a cholera epidemic that hit a number of central and southern governorates.

The Minister of Construction and Housing and public municipalities ,Tariq al-Kikhany said in a statement, during a meeting with the representative of the Iranian government , Rostam Ghasemi , Chairman of the Economic Commission for Iranian- Iraqi relations and Iranian ambassador , Hassan Danaii to Iraq and their accompanying delegation that the meeting, presented projects being implemented by Iranian companies in the service and Urban area across the provinces and discuss investment opportunities to have a role in the provision of services and the implementation of new projects in investment or payment on credit as well as the provision of facilities all for the entry of these companies into Iraq for the advancement of the reality service and urbanization of the country, expressing his welcome to the visit of the delegation to open up new prospects for cooperation with Iranian companies and increase the size of trade exchange between the two countries.

The minister explained that the ministry will sign a contract with the Iranian side to provide (chlorine and alum) after Cabinet approval to allocate 10 billion dinars to buy these materials from the Iranian side and delivering them on an urgent basis to the ministry stores and then to be distributed to the water treatment plants in Baghdad and across the provinces.

The Cabinet decided last month that the "Ministry of Finance urgently exchange amount of ten billion dinars to the Ministry of Construction and Housing and municipalities for the purpose of buying chlorine and alum from the allocations of the General Directorate of water in the ministry."