2013-07-28 08:13:55

, indicating that it will continue its work to complete the projects to end the power crisis in the country.

“The Ministry of Electricity has signed a contract with (LSIS) South Korean company to equip the Directorate General of power transmission projects with materials , equipment designs , and supervision and training, especially in three plants by 132/33 K. V,” the ministry’s spokesman , Musab al-Mudares said in a statement received by “Shafaq News”.

“These stations are (al- Shatrah al-Jadida , al-Shomali and al-Latifiya), valued at 35 million $, as the contract will be implemented within one year from the date of opening the letter of credit," he said.

The Ministry of Electricity began recently giving justification for the deterioration in processing power with high temperatures, among other reasons and announced the loss of 2,200 megawatts of energy due to the lack of fuel and low gas pressure.

Iraq needs about 14 thousand megawatts of electricity to meet the growing local need as the country produces less than the desired by thousands despite spending tens of billions of dollars since 2003.