2015-09-01 11:26:48


Baiji is experiencing fighting since months between Iraqi forces and ISIS elements.

Al-Nufous said in an interview with Shafaq News that "the Golden Squad , Salahuddin police regiment and Popular Mibilization Units continue to progress from the eastern side and got control of on Hawija and Tameem areas till Tigris River."

He added that "there are a repelling wall that was formed near Tameem till the river within the ongoing surprise and rapid round ", adding that "military units are near al-Asri neighborhood which is the center of Baiji city."

He said "there are car bombs used by the organization and the number of the fighters are less than before for him."

He added that "the oil refinery northern the city has become under the control of the Iraqi forces, elements of the emergency regiments , PMU and Golden Squad are concentrated there."