2015-03-25 08:32:39

approved by the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company "SOMO".

The total amount of oil exports is "Seventy-two million seven hundred thousand barrels," while the achieved total revenue "three billion and four hundred million dollars."

The spokesman of the Ministry of Oil, Assem Jihad said in an interview reported for "Shafaq News", that “ the volume of oil exports and revenue generated for February from the southern port of Basra was (64.2) sixty-four and two hundred million barrels revenues amounted to (2.942) two billion nine hundred and forty-two million dollars. In Kirkuk oil exports amounted to (8.5) million and eight hundred thousand barrels with earnings of (460) four hundred and sixty million dollars

He added that the average selling price is (46.795) dollars per barrel.

The amounts above have been loaded by the international oil companies that carry different nationalities from the ports of Basra and Khor al-Amaya and floats on the Arabian Gulf and the Turkish port of Ceyhan.

Jihad said that bad weather in the southern ports affected directly in the process of loading oil tankers.

He pointed out that the ministry is keen to increase exports of crude oil as compensation for the delayed days in tanker loading due to bad weather.