2013-08-05 09:33:52


“The official of the Italian Embassy Office in Erbil, Karmelo Vekaro during his visit to Sulaimaniyah province on Sunday, promised the citizens of Kurdistan Region to work to facilitate granting them visas to Italy,” a statement of Sulaymaniyah province reported for “Shafaq News” said.

The statement quoted the Italian official by saying that Italy's trade delegation will visit the region soon to identify the investment fields and strengthen trade and cultural cooperation between the two parties.

The statement stressed that Governor of Sulaimaniyah, Behrouz Mohammed Saleh stressed that the doors of investment are open in all available areas to Italian companies, showing the province's readiness to facilitate the involvement of Italian companies in the process of reconstruction of the region.

It is worth mentioning that Italy and a number of Western European countries opened during the past years consulates and diplomatic offices in Kurdistan region as a result of the security and stability of urban progress and the presence of the investment opportunities offered by the laws that make it easier for foreign investors to work in Kurdistan.