2013-08-06 08:16:07

, five dollars for the produced barrel in instead of one dollar.

“Kirkuk was getting over the past years, according to the proportion, one dollar per barrel of produced oil amount of 500-600 billion dinars, and with the new amendment we expect the new percentage to multiply and thus achieve a considerable amount in the province in a way that can make it implement important projects,” The deputy chairman of the Council, Rebwar Talabani told “Shafaq News”.

He added that the provincial council will prepare in coordination with the local and municipal councils a big plan for 2014 for the disbursement of the petro-dollar allocations that includes strategic and service projects by adopting priority projects.

The amendment of the provinces law not organized with a region which was approved by the parliament last month granted the oil-producing provinces a rate of five dollars per barrel of produced oil, while selected the share of non-oil producing provinces by one dollar.