2015-10-12 12:11:03

is conducting preliminary negotiations with Iran and Iraq to import gas.

Adsani said in remarks to reporters on the sidelines of the oil conference in Kuwait City that "we are talking with the Republic of Iraq and the Islamic Republic of Iran to bring gas.

This topic was discussed a long time ago and we still need to seek for it for the need of the State for gas for power plants. So far we did not agree on quantities and prices. We are talking about the principle. "

Adsani said that allowing the export of American oil to abroad will not have much effect on Gulf oil.

"The American oil is a light oil while refineries of Europe are mostly heavy or medium. Will have an impact on light oils only (such as) Nigeria and Angola ..while medium and heavy oils such as the Gulf and Venezuela will not have a significant impact."

Adsani told Reuters that the Corporation is having talks with Shell, BP and Total companies to conclude technical services agreements in heavy oil and fields north of Kuwait.

He added that the bidding will go next week, " expected to be signed by the end of the year.