2014-10-28 11:32:03

The government’s spokesman , Safeen Dazia said in a statement to the local Bas News site seen by "Shafaq News" that the region continues to export oil from the fields to world markets.

He predicted that exports would exceed 400 thousand barrels per day by the end of the year by 250 thousand barrels per day at the present time.

  Dazia pointed out that the sale of oil revenues will cover a lot of government spending, both with regard to the salary or the budget in general.

The region suffers from a financial crisis after the federal government cut its share of the state budget due to disagreements on the export of Kurdish oil.

Sources in the oil industry officials said on Monday that Kurdistan Region plans to increase pipeline capacity extends to Turkey to 700 thousand barrels per day after the development work.

Kurdistan Regional Government went ahead with the expansion of the oil pumping energy plans, ignoring opposition from Baghdad for the region’s export of oil.

The line that connects Turkish port of Ceyhan with the region started operating at the beginning of this year which angered the federal government in Baghdad that says it has the only right on the management authority of the Iraqi oil.

Baghdad describe the oil shipments from the region as illegal and resorted to US courts to prevent the unloading of a tanker on Texas coasts earlier this year.

Kurdistan government says that the Iraqi constitution allows it to export such shipments.

Turkish officials said that 19.2 million barrels of oil have been exported through port of Ceyhan as about 400 million dollars were deposited in the Turkish government's bank from the sale proceeds.