2013-10-31 11:37:40


The Minister of Natural Resources in KRG, Ashti Hawrami said that it is scheduled to run six new oil fields in the region by the end of the year, which would increase oil production to 400 thousand barrels per day.

He said in a conference in Istanbul that the current production capacity of the region amounts to about 300 thousand barrels per day and will rise to 400 thousand barrels per day by the end of December.

It is scheduled to complete a new pipeline linking the fields of Kurdistan to global markets via Turkey during the next few days, which strengthens the position of Kurdistan for the management of oil fields in isolation from the federal government in Baghdad .

The establishment of this line has angered Baghdad, which also does not recognize the contracts concluded by Kurdistan with international energy companies to develop its oil fields.

The region stopped pumping oil into the government pipeline that connects Kirkuk with Turkish port of Ceyhan since last year to protest the non - payment of Baghdad to dues foreign companies in Kurdistan.

The total production capacity of Kurdistan is about 300 thousand barrels per day of crude oil at the moment and expects to produce one million barrels per day in 2015 and two million barrels per day in 2019.