2015-11-21 09:17:24

and European countries in particular.

Kurdistan's oil and gas is one of the alternatives received by global energy markets, as experts believe that the Kurdish energy force has already entered the global market, but the energy security in the region is an obstacle to this alternative energy.

One of the summit's sessions was dedicated to the future of energy in Kurdistan, as the official of European Centre for the issues of energy and security, Faridit Fluger said that the Kurdish oil has started recently to enter the world markets and will continue in its presence, noting that he there is no doubt that the war waged by Peshmarga forces to confront ISIS terrorist organization and the disorder of the security situation in the region as well as the unexpected drop in oil prices, set up barriers in front of a large energy Kurdish as oil and natural gas of Kurdistan will have an active role in the future.

Fluger added that the energy policy in the region in attracting foreign investors in the area which is considered successful, and affected energy policy in the countries of the region, including Iran for example, prepared for this successful policy and must continue to be able to pass the obstacles.

Experts are optimistic from Kurdistan oil exports to international markets and more understanding of these pending exports from Kurdistan natural gas, which will become an alternative source for Turkey and European countries.