2014-06-29 10:09:52

, Ashti Hawrami called to attend a session of Parliament to give explanations on the fuel crisis in the region.

Yousuf Muhammad Sadiq said in the meeting held by the parliament today that the speaker of the parliament has sent a memorandum to the presidency of KRG in order to the minister of natural resources attend the parliament session, adding that because the minister was busy in outside tours , he did not attend at today's meeting.

Hawrami endorsed added that he will attend in the coming sessions to talk about the fuel crisis.

Kurdistan Region’s cities are currently suffering from acute crisis in fuel, especially gasoline vehicles as drivers spend long hours to get 30 liters of gasoline.

The crisis began after the cessation of supplies coming from Baiji refinery in Salahuddin province as a result of the battles there and ISIL militants migrants attempt to control it after their invasion of cities and towns in the north of the country.

The region gets a portion of the needs of oil derivatives from Baiji refinery, which covers half of Iraq's needs by 300 thousand barrels per day, while most of the fuel consumed locally, comes from Kalak refinery near Erbil city.


A few days ago , Turkey announced that it will provide Kurdistan with four thousand tons of oil products to meet the shortfall.