2013-06-28 12:18:16


Temperatures continue to rise in July and August months to exceed 45 ° C and increase the need for electrical power, especially in the fasting month.

Kurdistan produces 2425 MW of electricity while the domestic demand for energy is around 2750 MW.

“An expanded meeting was held today in the hall of the General Directorate to control electricity in the region under the supervision of Hawker Shali, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Electricity to discuss the level of production capacity, control and determine the hours to provide citizens with electric power during Ramadan month,”A statement by the Ministry of Electricity reported for “Shafaq News”.

The ministry said the present people decided to take into account the power plants in Darbandikhan and Dukan dams and other sources for electric power in the region, as well as the high temperatures and increased demand for energy.

It added that it was decided in the meeting to provide citizens with the national electricity during Ramadan to 22 hours a day, while the remaining two hours will be covered by private generators.

Unlike other areas of Iraq , the electricity sector in Kurdistan witnessed a great progress over the past years as the region provides its citizens with electricity almost throughout the whole day.

Kurdistan provides also the disputed areas in Kirkuk, Nineveh and Diyala province with electric power.