2013-09-21 10:55:42

Maliki said in a speech during the official ceremony for opening the field in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs , Hussain al-Shahristani, Minister of Oil , Abdul Karim al-Laeebe and CEO of winning Malaysia's Petronas in developing two fields “.

"Dhi- Qar Oil Company will be an independent oil company for the Southern Oil Company,” he added.

Al-Maliki, arrived this morning in Nasiriyah for the opening of Garraf oil field north of the city.

In the meantime, the Iraqi Ministry of Oil announced, the start of export operations from Gharraf field of 35 thousand barrels per day, and said that the quantity of new production in the province will contribute to increase the petro-dollar revenues.

The consortium of Malaysia's Petronas and Japex Japanese Companies won Garraf oil field development in Dhi -Qar province, during the second licensing round, which competed by 40 oil companies.

Garraf oil field reserves are estimated at about 863 million barrels of oil, as Petronas stake will be 60% while Japex Company’s share will be 40%.