2013-08-22 08:03:30

“The most important areas that will be addressed in this visit is signing agreements between the parties, notably with regard to energy fields,” Maliki said at a news conference with his accompanying delegation before heading to India, briefed by "Shafaq News”.

“There is a great desire of India to work in this field such as the establishment of refineries and development of oil fields,” adding that "Iraq has become the second largest oil exported to India”.

“We will sign several agreements in the agriculture field as India has a good experience in this field," pointing to “signing of contracts in the field of developing the production of chemical fertilizers “.

“Members of the delegation accompanying us from Ministry of Health will sign agreements in the medical cooperation between the two sides and import of medicines,” he added.

Maliki is accompanied in the visit to India with the ministers of oil, agriculture, health and Investment Authority as well as a number of deputies, advisers and a number of businessmen.