2013-12-20 13:34:39

The Iraqi Ministry of Oil denied what had been published by the local media and on suspicion of corruption in its contract with a Swiss company to build a refinery in Mayan .
“The contacts had been conducted with MPs of the province to demand an investigation by the latter on the news regarding the presence of corruption in its contract signed with the Ministry of Oil to invest in a refinery in Maysan,” The deputy chairman of the Maysan Council , Jawad al-Saadi told “Shafaq News “.
Saadi added that the provincial council and the province is interested in the completion of the refinery because of its great importance in economic terms to improve the reality of the province, adding that the Federal Government represented by the Ministry of Oil signed a contract not to maintain any representation .
Al-Saadi added that the local administration hopes that these corruption accusations would be false in order to accomplish the project, which will reflect positively on the provinces’ revenues from the petro-dollar.
The Ministry of Oil has signed a contract with Satarm Swiss company, worth six billion dollars to build and operate an oil refinery in Maysan city . South of Baghdad by a capacity of 150 thousand barrels per day.
Maysan province is considered the third largest province in the production of crude oil after Basra and Kirkuk by a production ceiling of up to 240 thousand barrels of oil per day.