2013-12-27 13:25:33

 “ We have sent a letter to the province a period ago , asking for allocations to contract on the purchase and installation of cameras system to boost security in Maysan ," adding that “ the governor sent a letter two days ago to the police command of Maysan that he didn’t accept this request without explanation,” The police chief of Maysan , Jasim Mohammed al-Zubaidi  told “Shafaq News “.
The Brigadier , Mohammed Jassim Al-Zubaidi has been commissioned last July by the Ministry of Defense to work with the Ministry of Interior for three years and assigned the tasks of the position of police chief of Maysan province , instead of the former police chief of Maysan Maj. Gen. Ali Ghazi al-Hashimi , who was charged with the tasks of the position of commander of the tenth Infantry Division, according to a statement to the media adviser to the commander of Maysan police .